Tuesday, August 1, 2023




    On October 14, 2023, the Kankan solar eclipse will start at 20:34 on October 15, 2023, and will end at 2:25 on October 15, 2023, on the new moon day of Ashwin month, Saturday. Kankan solar eclipse view will not be visible in India. Shanaishchari Sarvapitri Amavasya Tithi and Tithi are going to fall on 14 October 2023, Saturday night. The horoscope of Gemini Ascendant is being prepared. At 23:21 in the night, the peak eclipse period will be there. The solar eclipse will appear in the shape of a ring. Jupiter and Rahu will transit in Aries and Mars Ketu is posited in Libra, Venus is posited in Leo, Moon, Sun, and Mercury are posited in Virgo and Saturn will transit in Aquarius, and Saturn's vision of Rahu in Aries. Is together and Jupiter will be above Saturn-Mars Samsaptak Yoga is being formed, due to which there are indications of natural calamities, severe earthquakes and storms in India, and floods in the states of Himachal Pradesh, Assam, Gujarat, and Uttarakhand. due to heavy rains. Chances are being made to come. There is going to be a big fire. This can cause huge damage. Retrograde planets in the horoscope will cause great calamity for a particular person.

This eclipse will be visible in countries like America, Mexico, Belize, Handers, Panama, Brazil, Colombia, etc.  Apart from this, in some parts of America, Canada, Colombia, Cuba, Guatemala, Salvador, Honduras, Semana, Peru, etc. countries, the shape of a partial solar eclipse will also be visible.

14 मार्च 2025 खग्रास चन्द्र ग्रहण ( 14 मार्च 2025 )

             हमारे सौर मंडल में सूर्य एक ग्रह की जिस के इर्द गिर्द सभी ग्रह और तारे घूमते हैं।सूर्य का गुरुतवाकर्षण होता है।पृथ्वी उसके इर्द...