Eclipse are simply effects. The moon is eclipsed when the it moves within the shadow of the earth and the sun is eclipsed when the moon obstruct the light of the Sun or the earth reached in the shadow of the moon. Lunar eclipse takes place in Purnima (full moon) and solar eclipse falls on Amavasya (new Moon) but these phenomena do not occur at every Amavasya or Purnima . The explanation for it that the orbit of moon is inclined at an angle of 5° nearly to the earth's orbit ( plane of eclipse) When the moon happens to be in the plane of earth's orbit on nearby of Amavasya or Purnima solar/ Lunar eclipses occur.
Maximum number of eclipses possible in a year is seven (either four solar and three lunar of five solar and two lunar ) The minimum number is two (both solar) and the average is four eclipses.
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