There are twelve expressions in the horoscope of Kaal Purush. If the eclipse is in the zodiac signs Artha Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, then its effect ends soon. While the eclipse will occur in fixed zodiac signs, such as Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius, its side effects last for a long time. The eclipse occurring in the dual signs appears intermittently its side effects like Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.
1. Aries Zodiac :- Aries will bring good results. The amenities will be available. There is the sum of money received.
4. Cancer: - It is important for the people of this zodiac to keep in mind that due to being with Sun and Rahu and Mangal and Ketu, there is a possibility of injury to the husband and wife. Do not insult anyone by blaming them, God will do all good.
7. Libra zodiac: - The people of this zodiac have to think and think carefully. Meditate on God according to time.
10. Capricorn: - This rashi will be in the entry of eclipse. Time is not right for the people of this zodiac. Politicians are not good at the time of celebrity family members. Remember it
2.Taurus: - The people of this zodiac do not have complete conversations inside and outside carefully, but you may have to face humiliation. Loss and benefits will remain the same.
5. Leo: - Time is good for the people of this zodiac. God's hymn must be done. Everything will be all right.
8. Scorpio: - The people of this zodiac are likely to benefit. The means of income will increase.
11. Aquarius: - The time for the people of this zodiac is good. Then it will take eclipse. Be careful when doing business.
4. Cancer: - It is important for the people of this zodiac to keep in mind that due to being with Sun and Rahu and Mangal and Ketu, there is a possibility of injury to the husband and wife. Do not insult anyone by blaming them, God will do all good.
7. Libra zodiac: - The people of this zodiac have to think and think carefully. Meditate on God according to time.
10. Capricorn: - This rashi will be in the entry of eclipse. Time is not right for the people of this zodiac. Politicians are not good at the time of celebrity family members. Remember it
2.Taurus: - The people of this zodiac do not have complete conversations inside and outside carefully, but you may have to face humiliation. Loss and benefits will remain the same.
5. Leo: - Time is good for the people of this zodiac. God's hymn must be done. Everything will be all right.
8. Scorpio: - The people of this zodiac are likely to benefit. The means of income will increase.
11. Aquarius: - The time for the people of this zodiac is good. Then it will take eclipse. Be careful when doing business.
3. Gemini: High-class women, kings and influential ministers, people who dance and sing and play instruments and those who live near the banks of the Yamuna, westof England, Beligium, Ar menia, Italy, Great Britain, Canada.North America.