Thursday, March 26, 2020


     Astrological phenomena Year 2020
5 nos Eclipses will occur during 2020 in the Vikram Samvat 2077.

      Solar Eclipse 
  1. On June 21, 2020
  2. On December 14, 2020

      Three Penumbra Lunar Eclipse
  1. June 5/6, 2020
  2. July 5, 2020
  3. November 30, 202

Of the five, only two eclipses will be visible in India.
What is Lunar Eclipse:-
 When the Moon passes through the orbit of the shadow of the earth moving in the sky, then the lunar eclipse is said to occur. This will happen only when the Sun, Earth and the Moon all comes in almost a straight line. Sun and Earth are always on the ecliptic but the path of the Moon is inclined to the ecliptic at an angle of about 5 degrees so that the Moon may or may not be on or very near the ecliptic when the Earth is in between the Sun and Moon on Poornima. When the Moon is on the ecliptic or near to it and the Earth is between them, such a position will occur when the moon is either on Rahu or Ketu or nearby them because Rahu and Ketu are the nodes of the Moon.

According to the chart, the Sun is in the centre and the Earth is revolving around it. The cone ABD is not receiving any light from the Sun because the rays from all areas up to either extreme of the disc of the Sun i.e R or S are intercepted by the earth and the cone ABD shaded dark is in complete darkness. Cones BDE and CAD light –shaded are receiving light from some part of the Sun but not from the whole disc of the Sun. The darkly shaded portion ABD is called Umbra or complete shadow while the light – shaded zones i.e BDE and CAD are called the penumbra.
As the Moon goes from penumbra to Umbra, its brightness decrease till it vanishes when it is fully in the Umbra. This is the case of total Lunar Eclipse. A lunar eclipse can not occur until a portion of the Moon’s surface enters in Umbra. It is because in the penumbra of the Sun’s light falling on the Moon is only diminished not stopped directly; while in Umbra, no direct rays from the Sun can enter. Its brightness is diminished, then the diminution is smaller when the Moon is at the edge of the penumbra. 


On June 5/6, 2020 at 22:54 IST Lunar eclipse will start. The Moon will be in Scorpio Zodiac and Jyestha Constellation and The Sun  in Taurus Zodiac and in Rohini constellation. There is no eclipse of the Moon before each Lunar eclipse occurs the Moon must enter the precipice of the earth, which is also known as the penumbra lunar eclipse. Only then does he enter the actual shadow of the earth. It is when the actual eclipse occurs. The transition of the Moon to the earth is called Lunar eclipse. The eclipse will occur on a Full Moon( Poornima ) day on Friday. The peak point of the eclipse will be 12:41 in the night. Eclipse’s salvation time will be at 02:32 in the night. At this time, only the images of the Moon’s shadow will appear light shadow. This eclipse will be visible in India, Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, South-Western America, Eastern Brazil, Uruguay, Eastern Aregntina, Pacific and Indian ocean regions.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Effects of Solar Eclipse

Effect of Kankan solar eclipse on Gemini: - This solar eclipse will begin in Gemini zodiac Mrigshira constellation and will be completed in Ardra constellation.  The effect of this eclipse will be particularly annoying for the people of Mrigashira and Ardra 
    People of Gemini and Gemini ascendant and Mrigashira constellation do not see this solar eclipse. On the day of solar eclipse, the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Rahu) four planets will be located in male position in Gemini.  The duration of this eclipse will be 3 hours 25 minutes.  During this time it will affect the south-east direction more.  India and Madhya Pradesh will be affected more and more.  The eclipse will last for 3 months and 15 days or till 15,2020 October.  A person with Gemini and Lagna and Mrigashira constellation should not see this eclipse.

."Kusha experiment or effect". Similarly, to prevent the activity of the worms born in aliphatic substances, our Maharishis and Purcharyas have also made significant mention of the pattern of "Kusha configuration" in these prolific aliphatic substances by the Vedas and cultural scriptures.  To what extent is it really serious and serious.


      During pregnancy, pregnant women should take special care and keep them in some measure.

  1.   1. During the solar eclipse and lunar eclipse, pregnant women should not wander out at the time of eclipse

     2. Pregnant women should wear binding clothes.
    3. Instead of eating solid as food, juice should be used as fluid.
   4. He should not sleep during the eclipse.
   5. If possible, should chant the name of the Lord.
   6. Pregnant women should not succumb to any work.
   7. Pregnant women should not sit and do the job.
   8. Pregnant women should not wash clothes too.
   9. Pregnant women should not use things such as knives,            scissors,  because these things have an  impact on the child born in the womb. His target is found on his body.
  10. Pregnant women should not use sharp objects during eclipse. It will affect its infant. 

  11.Pregnant women should not cook food nor should they eat something.

 12. Pregnant women should never make copulation during eclipse, they have a bad rite for the child.         During donation, pregnant women should donate work.
13. Pregnant women with Gemini  need to take special care because there may be some problem in          the lower part of the body.

8 अप्रैल 2024 विक्रमी संवत 2080 अन्तिम खग्रास सूर्य ग्रहण

 विक्रमी संवत 2080 का अंतिम  सूर्य  हैं । 08 अप्रैल 2024  को अन्तिम  खग्रास सूर्य ग्रहण दिखाई देगा ।                   विक्रम संवत 2080 चंद्...