Thursday, July 9, 2020


               On November 30, 2020, at 13:02 Indian standard time On Monday tithi, Poornima Penumbra Lunar eclipse will begin.But the Lunar eclipse will not visible in North-west, middle, southern states, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan. But some parts of India North-east and middle East of will visible. The lunar eclipse will be visible in England, Ireland, Norway, North-Sweden, North-Finland, Australia, North-America, South America and the Pacific Ocean. Duration of Pernumber Lunar eclipse will be 4 hrs 21 mints (13:02 to 17:23) Lunar eclipse takes place when the Moon passes through the shadow of the earth in the heavens. The lunar eclipse will only occur when all the three plants i.e Sun and Earth are always on the eclipse but the path of the Moon is inclined to the ecliptic at an angle of around five degrees. So  Moon may or may not be near the ecliptic when the earth is in between the Sun and the Moon i.e on Poornima.

But lunar eclipse does not appear on the every Poornima, it is occurring or only when the moon is Rahu or Ketu and near eclipse. When the whole of the Moon's disc is called observed, the eclipse is called a total lunar eclipse and when only a part of it is obscured it said to be a partial eclipse.

Saturn-Mars have a vision on Venus-Mercury. Sun-Rahu is also samsaptak yoga being formed. Due to this, there will be loss due to natural outbreaks in Yavan countries and America etc. The Government will be troubled by communal complications in India. Snow, Mars, Sun and Mercury, Rahu conditions will cause snowfall in the mountainous regions and in many places of northern India. The cold wave will continue.

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